Tea tree essential oil against pimples and acne
Tea tree essential oil is best known for disinfecting pimples or treating acne. Very antiseptic, it eliminates bacteria that infect pimples, while promoting the healing of existing pimples.

Why do we have pimples?

Acne is a chronic disease of the pilosebaceous follicle. At the root of the hair that we have all over our body, there is a small gland that produces sebum. Sometimes in adulthood, but especially in adolescence, this gland produces too much sebum, causing an accumulation in the follicle, which eventually becomes blocked. A “black dot” then appears. Sometimes, a particular bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) proliferates in the sebum, so you end up with an inflammatory pimple (red, swollen and painful). Thanks to its UNIQUE sebum-regulating and antibacterial properties, tea tree essential oil is therefore your best ally.

NOTE: discover our many recipes, mixtures & formulas a little further down!

Why use tea tree essential oil against pimples?

Do you have unsightly pimples and don't know how to get rid of them? Are you young with problematic, acne-prone skin, often mixed to oily? or adult, with thinner and drier skin but still with a few pimples that refuse to go away? Whatever your skin type, tea tree is the most effective essential oil to use topically against pimples.

Our pharmacist's opinion

Our pharmacist

1 - The benefits of tea tree essential oil in cases of acne, pimples or boils

Tea tree, used locally on the pimple, purifies the skin, reduces infection and helps with healing. Used all over the face, adding a few drops of tea tree to your day or night cream helps keep skin clear, regulate sebum production and limit the appearance of spots without drying out the skin. It will be just as suitable for the care of young skin as it is for more mature skin.

2 - How does tea tree essential oil work on pimples?

A broad-spectrum antiseptic, tea tree essential oil is an essential oil with extraordinary anti-infectious properties. Its antiseptic action makes it ideal for disinfecting small wounds but also for cleaning pimples, boils and acne. These properties are due to the presence of monoterpenols (or monoterpene alcohols), anti-infectious molecules capable of directly neutralizing a large number of pathogenic germs responsible for the proliferation of acne and the infection of boils and other pimples.

How to use tea tree essential oil against pimples?

Remarkably effective in very local use on a single button, it is also easily added to your two-phase tonic lotions, your facial creams or any other cosmetic treatments.

Complete recipes and formulations

Acne - Dermal use

Pure use, directly on the skin

Tea tree essential oil can be used pure on the skin on a small area such as a pimple or bite. There is obviously no question of spreading pure essential oil all over your back! But on an infected acne spot, pure tea tree oil will be the most effective. Place a drop on your finger or on a cotton swab and apply it directly to the pimple.

    Clay mask for oily and acne-prone skin

    Mix in a bowl:

    • 50 g of green clay or rhassoul
    • 25 ml of sage hydrosol
    • 10 ml jojoba oil
    • Finally add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil

    Mix. Then apply to damp face, massage then leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. When the mask starts to dry in places, it's a sign that you need to rinse!

    Localized anti-pimple serum with tea tree and lemon eucalyptus

    In a 5 ml dropper bottle, mix:

    • 30 drops of tea tree essential oil
    • 10 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil (very anti-inflammatory)
    • 20 drops of true lavender essential oil (calming)
    • 3 ml of hazelnut vegetable oil (very useful against blackheads).

    Shake to homogenize the preparation. Apply locally to the spot to be treated using a cotton swab morning and evening until improvement.

    Two-phase toning and make-up removing lotion against pimples

    To make 100 ml of lotion, mix in a bottle:

    • 50 ml of sage or witch hazel hydrosol
    • 30 ml of aloe vera juice
    • 20 ml jojoba oil
    • 10 drops of tea tree oil

    Shake, it's ready! Apply in the morning or evening to the face to tone, cleanse and remove make-up from the skin. This lotion contains essential oils, it is advisable to avoid the eye area. Shake before each use.

    Acne - Oral use

    Oral use is not recommended to treat acne.

    Acne - Diffusion use

    Tea tree oil has no use in diffusing acne.

    Other essential oils to treat pimples and acne

    • Palmarosa essential oil: known for its anti-infectious and regulating properties, it is ideal for limiting sebum production and preventing the appearance of blackheads.
    • Geranium Bourbon essential oil: the essential oil of beauty. It tightens pores, regulates sebum, scars and regenerates the skin. A great ally in case of acne.
    • Rosemary essential oil with verbenone: very antibacterial, it promotes the disappearance of infected spots. Its mattifying properties are often appreciated by problem skin.
    • Fine lavender essential oil: ultra versatile, it purifies, regenerates and promotes healing. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness and soothe itchy and painful skin.

    Precautions & information

    Before using each essential oil, be sure to take note of the precautions to follow. For example, certain essential oils are photosensitizing, dermocaustic, prohibited for pregnant women, children, not recommended for people with epilepsy, the elderly, hypertensive people, etc. or even prohibited in cases of hormone-dependent problems or mastosis.
    These precautions and restrictions are available either on the bottle of the essential oil concerned, or on the “product page” of our site.

    In general, for any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, consult a doctor or pharmacist. Consult a medical opinion if you are already taking medication or if you are subject to a chronic illness (asthma, hormone-dependent pathologies, etc.). The information given on this page does not constitute a prescription, it remains given for informational purposes and in no way engages our responsibility. The known properties, examples of use and routes of administration presented in this file are general information taken from authoritative bibliographies in the field of essential oils and aromatherapy.

    Using essential oil is not without risk. If in doubt, seek medical advice.

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