How to use Peppermint essential oil?
Travel sickness, digestion, fatigue, nausea, in case of headaches, find out how to use peppermint essential oil orally, on the skin or diffused? what are its properties and benefits for your health?

What are the properties of peppermint essential oil?

Here is one of the most powerful essential oils! Very versatile, it is, among other things, physically and mentally stimulating, digestive, anti-nausea, detoxifying, anti-migraine, local painkiller, expectorant and anti-infectious. It is used with the greatest caution, whatever the route of administration.

NOTE: discover our many recipes, mixtures & formulas a little further down!

The essential

  • Botanical name: Mentha piperita
  • Part of the plant used: leaves and stems
  • Health & well-being properties

  • Digestive stimulant
  • Anesthetic and analgesic
  • Antibacterial
  • Expectorant, mucolytic, decongestant
  • Toning and stimulating
  • Beauty properties

  • Not recommended
  • Health, in case of:

  • Headache
  • Travel sickness
  • Breathing (congestion of the bronchi, sinusitis, otitis, wet cough)
  • Nausea
  • Difficult digestion
  • General fatigue
  • In your cosmetics for:

  • Not recommended


The essential oils that we present to you are effective and very rich in active ingredients. The indicated dosages should not be exceeded.

  • As a food supplement (oral): 1 drop 3 times a day for a maximum of 5 days (see precautions for use).

Our pharmacist's opinion

Our pharmacist

Why use peppermint essential oil?

Peppermint essential oil is one of the most versatile essential oils but also one of the most difficult to use. Its power and composition give it particular virtues shared by few other essential oils: it is, among other things, antipruritic and painkiller in local use, antinausea, detoxifying, antimigraine and it promotes concentration and memorization. Its richness in ketones makes it neurotoxic in high oral doses and even narcotic. Other mints, such as spearmint, also contain a certain amount of ketones and can therefore also be neurotoxic. Through the skin, it can be responsible for a "very cold" or hypothermia: never dilute it in a bath and do not apply it to a large area, even when highly diluted.

How to properly use peppermint essential oil?

Here are the TOP 4 uses for which peppermint essential oil seems essential to me. Please note, the benefits and properties of peppermint essential oil are not limited to the points below, but it is among the most effective, if not the best, for treating the following situations:
  • Motion sickness! Plane, car, boat, peppermint essential oil is essential.
  • Headaches. 1 drop on the temples and voila!
  • Digestion problems: nausea, indigestion, bloating, spasms, diarrhea, lack of appetite, etc.
  • A big blow of fatigue. It gives you back your tone

What are the possible ways of using peppermint essential oil?

One inhalation
In the kitchen
In olfactotherapy, to manage my emotions
In cosmetic use
In broadcast
To maintain my house

Complete recipes and formulations

Peppermint essential oil cutaneously

Migraines and headaches

Apply 1 drop of peppermint essential oil and 1 drop of lavandin essential oil to the temples.

Massage to penetrate the synergy. This synergy can be used 2-3 times a day for 2 days maximum. Be careful not to apply essential oils near the eyes!

Hives and itching

Apply to the itchy area 3 times a day:

  • 1 drop of peppermint essential oil
  • 1 drop of Roman chamomile essential oil
  • 15 drops of oily calendula macerate

Massage to penetrate the synergy.

Peppermint essential oil orally

Detoxifying and purifying synergy for the liver

Mix in a codigoutte bottle:

  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 20 drops of thujanol thyme essential oil
  • 20 drops of carrot essential oil
  • 40 drops of lemon essential oil

Place 2 drops of this synergy morning and noon on a neutral tablet or in half a spoonful of vegetable oil. You can use it for 5 to 7 days maximum.

Digestion and nausea

Place in a spoon of honey or on a neutral tablet:

  • 1 drop of peppermint essential oil
  • 1 drop of lemon essential oil

To be swallowed in the morning for 3-5 days maximum. In addition to helping digestion, this synergy detoxifies the body, reduces fatigue and gives fresh breath.

Peppermint essential oil in diffusion

Fatigue and nervous exhaustion

The fragrance of peppermint essential oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle (2 drops can also be placed on a tissue).

This stimulating scent can be breathed up to 4 times a day to combat fatigue. Do not use in the evening.

Precautions & information

Before using each essential oil, be sure to take note of the precautions to follow. For example, certain essential oils are photosensitizing, prohibited for pregnant women, not recommended for people with epilepsy, the elderly, hypertensive people, or even prohibited in cases of hormone-dependent problems or mastosis. These precautions and restrictions are available either on the bottle of the essential oil concerned, or on the “product page” of our site.
For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, consult a doctor. The information given in this file does not constitute a prescription, it remains given for informational purposes and in no way engages our responsibility.
The texts, known properties, examples of use and routes of administration presented in this file are general information taken from authoritative bibliographies in the field of essential oils and aromatherapy.

Discover all our advice for choosing the essential oil diffuser best suited to your needs

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